Quality Education for all.
Offline or Online
environment to learn
Quality Education for all.
For Students
For Teachers/Schools
For Governments

Golden years, Half a Million Plus Learners!
Well, to put it bluntly, We are just a bunch of technology nerds who love teaching!
Based in Arusha, Tanzania and Hong Kong, China we are a digital learning company, making quality & relevant secondary & vocational education accessible to youth in Africa and beyond by leveraging the power of Technology and Data. Our solutions use modern technologies such as AI, VR, Big Data Analytics & Machine Learning to provide the best learning experience to students in secondary schools in Sub-Saharan Africa, offering real-time digital education data to education stakeholders while lowering the cost and time spent in setting up e-Learning infrastructure by offering off the shelf, tested and individually customized e-Learning solutions.
Everything we build has African learners unique challenges in mind!
Offline Learning Management System
Online Learning Mobile App
Why we do all these?
There are 65 Million secondary school-aged children who are out of school in Sub-Saharan Africa. Even for those who got a chance to get into school, the quality of education is low and the dropout rate is extremely high. According to UNESCO data “Out of 89% of students enrolled in primary education only 9% actually make it to tertiary education and only 6% graduate.”